Ensuring Food Security in the Era of COVID-19
Experts say the pandemic will unleash a food security crisis not seen since the Great Recession. As we learned during the 2008-09 Great...
Hanawat Tiensin
May 20, 20203 min read

Protecting Farmworkers from Coronavirus and Securing the Food Supply
With millions of workers staying at home to aid public health efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, the security of America’s food...
Zoe Willingham and Silva Mathema
May 20, 202015 min read

Trump Deems Farmworkers 'Essential' But Not Safety Rules for Them. That Could Threaten the F
Millions of laborers facing coronavirus risk in fields and packinghouses lack workplace protections. The Trump administration has deemed...
Helena Bottemiller Evich and Liz Crampton
May 20, 202012 min read

As Food Supply Chain Breaks Down, Farm-To-Door CSAs Take Off
Images of some American farmers dumping milk, plowing under crops and tossing perishables amid sagging demand and falling prices during...
Eric Westervelt, NPR.org
May 20, 20204 min read

What the Arkansas Meat Plant Workers I Met Want You to Know
Many of the workers across the country are working elbow to elbow six days a week, eight hours a day. For them, social distancing in the...
Alice Driver, Opinion cnn.com
May 20, 20205 min read

Republican-Led States Signal They Could Strip Workers’ Unemployment Benefits if They Don’t Return to
The message to workers is ‘endanger your life or starve,’ critics say (“These states are offering people the choice to endanger your life...
Tony Romm, The Washington Post
May 6, 20205 min read

Safety First: Working People's Plan for Reopening the Economy the Right Way
Every day, health care workers, transit workers, meatpacking workers, first responders, grocery workers, utility workers, letter...
May 6, 20204 min read

This Is How President Trump Can Quickly – and Safely – Reopen the Economy
It’s the biggest debate in America today. President Donald Trump and some Southern governors want to reopen the economy as soon as...
Adam Blumenthal
May 6, 20204 min read

What Does a Green Rebound Look Like?
Policymakers Are Faced with a Once In a Lifetime Opportunity After a very strong year for global green bond issuance in 2019, another...
William Sokol, VanEck Global
May 6, 20207 min read