Cincinnati Event with the Milken Institute
Field Reports and Videos
High Wage America Project with The Century Foundation
In June of 2017, Heartland joined The Century Foundation in launching a new initiative in finding ways to bring back high-wage work to America's heartland through manufacturing, technological innovation, expanded workforce training, and target investments. Since that time, the project has landed in multiple cities to gather feedback and resources to solve this issue. We share the impact this project has made nationally thus far.
Revitalizing America's
Manufacturing Communities
By Joel S. Yudken, Thomas Croft, and Andrew Stettner
Manufacturing a Better Paying Pennsylvania
October 17, 2017 event in Pittsburgh, PA
9 Steps to Revitalize America's
Manufacturing Communities
By Andrew Stettner, Thomas Croft, Michael Shields, Joel S. Yudken, Steve Herzenberg, Jack Mills, and Christy Veeder, PH.D.
High Wage National Agenda
Wrap video of the year long project
What We've Learned about Building a High Wage America - Final Report
JUNE 2017, WASHINGTON DC: Restoring the Blue Collar Commonwealth launched in Washington DC with Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-OH).
OCTOBER 2017, PITTSBURGH PA: The first regional summit kicked off in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania bringing together union leaders, progressive think-tank analysts, politicians and community leadership.
MARCH 2018, CLEVELAND OH: The second regional summit was held in Cleveland, Ohio with a keynote address from Senator Sherrod Brown.
JUNE 2018, CHICAGO IL: The next regional summit was held in Chicago, Illinois featuring State Treasurer Michael Frerichs.

In this episode, listeners are introduced to Ted Chandler, Chief Operating Officer of the AFL-CIO's Housing Investment Trust who explains the transformative power of putting labor's assets to work... in more ways than one. Ted shares insights into a new project that the HIT calls Midwest At Work, an over $1 billion project to help revitalize some of the Midwest's most challenged communities. The conversation continues with Tom Croft, co-author of a recently-released book entitled the Responsible Investor Handbook. Tom shares with our listeners the long, rich history of strategic investments from labor. Continue the conversation on the Off the Air Conversations page of the More than Money website.

Heartland Managing Director Tom Croft and the Responsible Investor Handbook were featured on Maryland Public Television's "Your Money and Business" on October 27, 2016. Tom's segment begins around time marker 16:00.